For the ships, Yato/Kazuma!

All right, I’m back from my coma and at it again with the ship asks!

vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless /
hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell

I love Yato/Kazuma–I’ve said it a bunch of times now, but I feel like it always bears repeating! Yato/Kazuma is one of those ships where other people wonder what exactly you’ve been smoking to convince you to ship it, but you are woke as fuck and see the excellent potential.

I’ve talked before about these two characters, but the thing that stands out to me most about them is that they do better together. No matter the situation, they benefit from each other’s presence (even if they aren’t always happy about it) and at the end of the day, they usually do right by each other, even when doing right by each other is something painful–I have heard that Yato refuses to name Kazuma in the newest chapter, which is something bittersweet for me as a Yato/Kazuma fan, ha ha.

These two characters have known each other for hundreds of years, and Kazuma was the only genuinely supportive person in Yato’s life for so much of that time–you can’t erase that kind of gentleness and help in each other’s lives no matter what goes on. They both have had periods of time in which they have desperately needed and relied on each other, and that history makes for a pair of characters who know so much about each other, know everything that is important to the other, and in general have deeply meaningful interactions.

Is it weird of me, despite loving Kazuma/Bishamon, to say that I think that ship is somewhat unhealthy, at least as far as its exists right now? Kazuma and Bishamon have both hurt each several times (inadvertently), and Kazuma has been driven to the edge from his desire for Bishamon, to the point that he is completely off the charts with grief and sadness currently–is it a weird thing to say that I doubt this would have happened if Yato was the object of his affection? (lol maybe something worse would have happened!!)

I think this ship is the best form of proof that I’m a multi-shipper at heart and can easily love Yatori, KazuBisha, and YatoKazuma all at the same time!

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